Haere mai! (Welcome)

Have driven down to Wellington, the Capitol of New Zealand,  Nov. 2, 2019.  It is 3 hours south of Taihape, so took a little lunch break halfway.  Gas is about $2.11 NZ dollars per liter (about $5
 per gallon), but fortunately, my little blue Ford Focus is fuel efficient.

Wellington is nestled up to the ocean, and the most southern city of the North Island, with ferries leaving for the South Island regularly.
I did a LOT of walking here, going to the Te Papa Museum, which has New Zealand Art, and a display of the battle of Gallipoli, in which New Zealand fought with the English against the Turks during WWI.

There are these huge statues created by WETA Workshop (did figures for "Lord of the Rings," and depict soldiers who fought in the war, or attended the casualties, like this doctor here.

Lady Chapel Wellington Anglican Cathedral
Walked to the Anglican cathedral, which actually still has services, though many of the churches around the country seem to be museums now.

One outstanding feature of Wellington is "Zealandia," an ecosanctuary for more than 30 species of native birds--a large part of the sanctuary is fenced and efforts are made to keep out mammal species that would eat the birds' eggs (stoat, possum).  Easy walking trails around, and a lovely boat ride on a little lake.  I can now identify the tui bird, and the kaka bird.

tui bird
Haere ra until next time!   Next:  Getting the hang of New Zealand slang, and Food
kaka bird


  1. Adrianna, nice Fotos and about timr that you made a new blog entry! How's the weather? Is it getting warmer? And what gives about getting use to the New Zealand cuisine?


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